Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 4 : Maketing plan and finally beach

Helloooooo everybody!

The time is slowly passing by in the beautiful Portorož and at our busy Summer School on the Turistica Faculty in Slovenia.  After visiting on the 1. day the Natural Park Sečovlje and the Wellness Lepa Vida we were challenged to develop the marketing plan for either the Natural Park Sečovlje or the Wellness Lepa Vida with the salt products.

Divided in 4 groups, mixed with all the nationalities participating on the IMCD and under the supervision of the international teachers we started to make the first steps for developing the marketing plan .

In the morning we also had an interesting lecture presented from the Professor Nuno Gustavo coming from Portugal. He presented us the last marketing management trends in tourism and hospitality which will definitely help us with the process of creating our marketing plan.

Since we are already 5 days here, after all the interesting days and nights it was time to taste the sea in Slovenia.   Finally! Although there is an opinion the sea is colder in the northern Adriatic sea today I could make sure that it's not like this. It was really perfect and real refreshment on these really hot days here in Portorož.


Since we found some free time we spent it discovering new trends int he local shops. Since the sun is really strong here one of the hats is definitely a must have here.

We discovered also one interesting drink here, it is called HUGO and it's a mixture of white wine or champagne, mineral water (with the bubbles) , elderberry juice and lime juice. I can just say perfect, especially for the relaxed evenings by the seaside. You should definitely try it!

Each day it's getting better here because the nationality groups are not anymore sticking so much together, we finally are getting to know each other and are desperately waiting for the weekend when we finally don't have the lectures and can just enjoy the beautiful Slovenian coastline.




Sanja, Iva, Jasmina and Kristina ! J



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